Sunday, August 30, 2009

Moving Madness and Production Propaganda

Today was moving day. Did I mention I’m on a fourth floor walk up? Whew! It was a workout! I brought all my stuff down from the top floor but thankfully I had help from there on out! My classmate and fellow Liberty dwelling American, Phillip met me at the bottom of the MC Escher drawing I had to climb down and helped me get my possessions into Tony’s van. Tony is another classmate who volunteered his time, physical effort and van to move Phillip and me to Glasgow’s Southside. We dropped Phillip’s belongings off at his new digs first. Phillip is moving in with yet another classmate, Mitchell. After stop number one, we moved the van around the corner to my new place and all three strapping young lads helped me move into the third floor of my new building. So Mitchell, Phillip and Tony, THANK YOU!!!! The next round is on me my friends!

It is surprising the amount of stuff one can squeeze into one’s living quarters. I haven’t purchased too much since my arrival but I definitely brought more than needed over from the States. As the boys indulged me while I hung up a few things in my new wardrobe, I heard, “Melanie, I’ve never seen you wear that.” over and over again. It’s true. I brought a few things I have yet to wear. But you never know…

I’m back at good ‘ol Liberty House tonight and for the rest of the week. I left a few easily transportable essentials behind and will be residing here for the upcoming week. I’ve got another two weeks before they chuck me out of my dorm room and the location is much more convenient to the Academy and to the Tron Theatre, where we will be performing this weekend. I just wanted to get most of my stuff moved over before I get wrapped up in production week.

Show time! That’s right dear readers; our final shebang is upon us. This week we perform here in Glasgow at the Tron, then to London and then Edinburgh. Below are the dates and details. These are being billed as “platform productions”, meaning they are works in progress. The writers are still developing these scripts and we will only be presenting an hour’s worth of material. The productions are minimal; not a lot of bells and whistles. It’s just us on stage with a few bits of set, props and so forth. There are three shows with two shows being presented per night on a rotation. I’m in ‘Ashes Blood’ by David Harrower and you can catch that one on Friday and Saturday nights. If you are in Glasgow, London or Edinburgh, come check us out!

That’s all for now. I need to go to bed and recover from all those stairs!

See you next week!
Take care!

GLASGOW - Tron Theatre
Thursday, September 3, 2009 at 7:45pm
Friday, September 4, 2009 at 7:45pm
Saturday, September 5, 2009 at 7:45pm
Price: £6 (£4)

Tron Theatre
63 Trongate
Phone: 01415524267

LONDON - Hampstead Theatre
Thursday, September 10, 2009 at 7:30pm
Friday, September 11, 2009 at 7:30pm
Saturday, September 12, 2009 at 7:30pm
Price: £6 (£4) (we think?!?!)

Hampstead Theatre
98 Avenue Road
Phone: 02077229301

EDINBURGH - Traverse Theatre
Thursday, September 17, 2009 at 7:30pm
Friday, September 18, 2009 at 7:30pm
Saturday, September 19, 2009 at 7:30pm
Price: £6 (£4)

Traverse Theatre
10 Cambridge Street
Phone: 01312281404

One Academy Productions presents:

A collaboration between the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama and Playwrights’ Studio, Scotland.
Actors and directors from the Academy’s MA in Classical and Contemporary Text present three specially commissioned works in progress by three of Scotland’s most distinguished contemporary playwrights:

Fever Dream: Southside by Douglas Maxwell
With Queens Park closed for a murder enquiry and the temperature soaring in the surrounding area, it sometimes feels as if everyone on the Southside of Glasgow has gone insane as the world starts to swirl around them blurring religion, race, time and reality.

Reminded of Beauty by Linda McLean
Things take an unexpected turn for three families living in the heart of the city.

Ashes Blood by David Harrower
A family-run coach firm has fallen on difficult times – amidst this, the handover from one generation to the next is underway.

Performance Schedule:
Thursday: Fever Dream: Southside & Reminded of Beauty
Friday: Reminded of Beauty & Ashes Blood
Saturday: Ashes Blood & Fever Dream: Southside

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