On to my report on Graduation. Most of the class was in attendance, one even came back from America where she had returned to resume her life on the showbiz scene in NYC. A few were absent from the ceremony and were missed. Most of those missing are off on acting gigs so no complaints there! Yea work!
We reported at two o’clock for a rehearsal then grabbed a bite to eat before changing into our nice clothes and robing up. Travelling to and from the Academy was a challenge as there was what appeared to be a hurricane outside. The wind and rain made a good hair day difficult to accomplish. Our robes were purple and the hoods were teal green for the drama school students. The music school scholars wore red hoods. The Student Union provided a professional photographer to take portrait style photos before the ceremony. Then we lined up in the hall outside the Academy Concert Hall. When the bagpipes began calling, in we marched looking like we were exploding with knowledge in our academic regalia. We had a seat. Next we were taught the Academy’s anthem, in Latin no less, and attempted to sing it while the faculty and honored guests processed in to take their seats. The handing out of the degrees was first on the agenda and our course was first up. After the bestowing of the degrees we had a speech from our principal. Then they handed out the fellowships to four distinguished guests and gave speeches about them. Then we had another speech from our Chairman. Are you getting the picture? Lots of speeches but no actual commencement speaker there to motivate the graduates. Oh well. Sprinkled in amongst the speakers were a few entertainments. We had a little Felix Mendelssohn played on the organ and actor Jack Lowden performed a speech from ‘A Servant of Twa Maisters’ in Scots (that’s a language) and I actually understood most of it! Then toward the end, some of the second year acting students gave us a little from ‘A Christmas Carol’. After, it was on to the Academy’s Cafe for a reception. We were there for a while talking with faculty, parents, guests, each other and taking lots of photos. Then, it was time to PARTY. One of our classmates, Lucy Goldie, has the most marvelous parents who offered up their home for the celebrations. This was the best part of the day. The Goldies are fabulous hosts and had lots of yummy food. Tony played the guitar and sang, sometimes we all joined in. Barbara and I did a little encore of ‘Dead in Scotland’, just a wee bit but I was shocked at how much we remembered. It was a lovely evening. And then it was home. That’s it. The end.
It has been a helluva year my friends. There have been ups and downs. There have been joys and heartbreak, failures and triumphs, disappointments and unexpected surprises. It has indeed been an adventure, artistic and excellent. I have grown. I have changed. I have learned not only about theatre, acting, writing and the business of show, but about myself. Most of what I learned this year has been about me. I have indeed graduated to a new level of understanding of me. I am ready. I am ready to close this chapter of my life and blaze forward into my next adventure. My future.
Thank you so much for following me on this journey. Writing this blog has been a fantastic way for me to chronicle my experiences these past months and to share them with whoever might be interested. I hope my blog has proved entertaining and interesting for all of my readers. For those of you considering (or currently on) the MA CCT course at the RSAMD, I hope it has helped you to decided if the course is for you and help you get the most out of your training and educational endeavors. If I ever do hear back about the music rights I will post a link to the audio version of ‘Dead in Scotland’. It was one of my successes this past year and I do hope I can make it available to you. Other than that possibility, I’m going to sign off on this blog and let it remain a tribute to this past year’s Excellent Artistic Adventure.
Thank you and Good Night!

Mark, Me and Joyce. Mark and Joyce are two of the faculty members who were involved in our course.

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