Sunday, March 15, 2009

Heddas Rolled, Puppy Love, Salsa Saturdays and Paper Procrastination

Friday was the day when all the Heddas came out to play. We rolled out our scenes and presented them to faculty, undergrads and other guests. It was an Ibsen afternoon for those of us in the MA CCT at the RSAMD. I think it is safe to say it was a success. My group was very happy with our delivery and we saw some nice work from our classmates. The next few weeks are for research projects and professional placements (aka: internships). Formal classes and RSAMD sanctioned schedules to return after the Easter Bunny has hidden some eggs.

Friday we celebrated the conclusion of our Hedda scene work at a local vegetarian restaurant. I, being a veggie, was very excited by the food choices but some of my carnivorous classmates were less than thrilled. But there was beer so most were pacified for a while at least. Saturday night the good times continued. A handful of us went Salsa dancing! It was a lot of fun and really good exercise. I don’t have a clue how to Salsa but the ones who did taught me a basic step and I worked with that for the rest of the night. My friend Tony is a wonderful Salsa dancer and was tearing up the floor! It was a surprise and a joyous entertainment. I hope to pick up a little more and go again some time.

Tomorrow we have a major assignment due. For each section of the course we are required to write a summative statement; a paper documenting our work and experiences with that module. It is time to deliver the statement on The Globe. Well, naturally we wouldn’t want to get started too early on the assignment so Saturday afternoon I ran away to the movies…again. I have to say though, it was totally worth it! I saw “Marley and Me”. If you have ever loved a dog you will delight in this flick. It was funny and sweet and yes, very sad at the end. Bring tissues. It is a bio-pic of Marley, a yellow lab, and his family (Owen Wilson and Jennifer Aniston). Seriously, dog lovers, go see it. I just wanted to run out and adopt a pup right after I saw it. Oh but I wish I could…

So procrastination continued today. I finally started my paper at about 1 in the afternoon. It took me about twelve hours. This of course doesn’t mean I worked on it for twelve hours straight. There were a series of interruptions; some self imposed and some were just my classmates trying to avoid working on their papers. Ah we are sad sometimes. But keep in mind, we are actors, we want to act it, not document it. But then again I’m a writer too, so what’s my excuse? Anyway it’s done now, ready to arrive at the office, stamped and signed for by noon tomorrow. Very official.

This coming week is all about my script. And that I am excited to work on. I have a deadline for the first draft on Sunday. I am ready to really get in there and build a story. Woo-who! Good stuff.

Okay my friends, I have had enough of this computer for one day!
Take care! And good night!

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